Department of Pharmaceutics

The Department of Pharmaceutics, established in 2023, having intake of 60 students. The department is equipped with the state of art laboratories, ultra-modern facilities, and competent staff which have been considered as the most sophisticated infrastructure in the country. The department also offers training for research students seeking a degree.

  • The focused research areas of the department are: :
    - Preformulation studies.
    - Evaluation of developed dosage forms with respect to various in vitro and in vivo parameters and Studying the biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic aspects of the drug as well as its dosage forms.
  • Core competencies:
    - Sustained Release Dosage Forms.
    - Immediate-release dosage forms
    - Ocular Drug Delivery Systems
    - Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
    - Implants
    - Semisolid dosage forms
    - Dental preparations
    - Microspheres
    - Nanopharmaceuticals (nanoparticles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers, etc).
  • Education Objective:
    - Build an education leading to a degree in Pharmaceutics with integrated professional knowledge and technical skills in the development and evaluation of various pharmaceutical dosage forms, with research competencies to work in the domain of pharmaceutical formulation or drug delivery science and technology.
    - Train the degree students to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills to deliver services to the pharmaceutical organizations to design, formulate, evaluate and manufacture suitable drug products.
    - Nurture and support an inclination for higher education and entrepreneurship
    - Empower and sensitize the Pharmaceutics professionals to serve the Pharmaceutical Industry, Academia, Society, Regulatory Bodies and the Profession.
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